A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

CNN: "Bush has said many times that his administration does not torture."

Every minute of every hour since Bush's administration's lies involved us in Iraq has been torture for the Iraqi people, for the US enlisted men serving their country and for the American public agonizing over the possible fate of their sons and daughters. It's torture for the American public because we're spending untold billions of dollars in Iraq, untold billions of dollars propping up a regime in Israel with a spotty human rights record - with no end in site. Meanwhile the US has street kids, social security is going broke, medicate is going broke, our highway infrastructure is collapsing - but the money goes overseas. That too is torture.

That the congress should have to pass a bill specifically outlawing certain torture techniques shows how insane the "war on terror" has become. The USA taught the Argentine and Uruguayan dictatorships how to drug undesirable prisoners and push them out of planes over the Atlantic ocean.

Those people got on a plane against their will and were "disappeared." It's not much different from this euphemism called "rendition," which really means kidnapping without any due process. After rendition those people largely disappear.

Check out wikileaks.be - read the leaked manuals about the procedures followed at Gutantanamo. This is what your federal tax dollars pay for.

I don't advocate tax protest. It's a good way to join the 1% (a huge number) of Americans who are incarcerated. But if any of this outrages you at all or causes doubt in the current administration, don't vote for the status quo in the next election.


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