A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

scuba diving in a home office

I had a strange experience this morning. I'm making diet and exercise changes in my life. Living in the US you drive everywhere so your day has no built-in exercise (running for the bus, walking to and from the stop, etc.), especially if you work at a desk job.

So I went to see a nutritional consultant this morning. She took body-fat measurements with a caliper to determine a number. No, I'm not going to tell. Then for ten minutes you plug your nose and breathe through a tube normally while this machine measures airflow - and that tells you what your resting metabolism is. You do the test first thing in the morning before any caffeine.

Based on that she'll design various diet ideas and tell me what my target calorie intake per day should be and what the mix of carbs, protein and fat is. An exercise program goes along with that.

It was interesting in that "now I'm starting to understand how the people in hollywood do these body make-overs between films." There are consultants for everything! :-)



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