A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

the vaunted Q phone and its reputation for low battery life

So this afternoon I get an email from a friend in Florida apologizing to several people that her Q phone went nuts and possibly made a bunch of calls before going totally dead.

I know its like her 4th Q phone, almost everyone I know who has one needs to take the charger with them and be aware of where the outlets are in the places they frequent during the day.

The Q is really the perfect landline replacement in that regard because its tethered all the time. You get the portability of the cellular but the landline experience of a wire.

Anyway I jokingly emailed her back saying I could hear the heavy breathing of the energizer bunny as it coughed its last gasp.

My cellphone lit up with a number I'd not seen before in that same area code where she lives. "Did you really get a heavy breathing call?"

"No, it was a joke about your shitty Q phone."

"Oh I was panicking when I saw that - because I put the Q in my bra when I went for a 3 mile bike ride and you very easily could have heard that."

Sweat killed it evidently...

She went on "A few minutes ago it was like the aliens, they took it over and they made a bunch of calls."

I pointed out that "they" could have been what the phone was in between :)



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