A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Sprint's overpaid CEO in friendly commercials

Sprint is well-known as among the worst cellphone carriers for innacurate bills, long hold times for customer service, providing intelligible customer service when they bother about answering, following through on the (usually empty) promises of their CSR's and their network of stores where (unless you're buying a phone and not asking too many questions) you're going to have wasted a trip and be referred to the phone lines to India.

Now their CEO waxes all philosophic about how one device should be used for voice and data. Um... some of their plans explicitly forbid tethering a phone to a PC? Furthermore using the phone 100% for voice means being able to dial 611 and resolve an issue.

I have one account for Sprint for an EV-DO device. Yeah, the account had a billing error but it was in my favor so I never had to suffer on the phone. Technically its a very solid service - have it connected through an external antenna to a little router specially designed for such EV-DO devices and *presto* wifi in my car. :-) It works great.

But puh-leeeeeze fix the billing system. Commercials that basically say, "Hey, look over there at ______________?" (anything but the lack of customer service that's baked-into the business plan) are a waste. 25% of my bills this year have been innacurate.

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At 5:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally accurate with the billing system being inaccurate. I upgraded my plan and all hell broke loose. They did fix it after I verbally abused them. I wish all sprint subscribers luck with their new billing system that is supposedly better than the earlier one.


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