A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Monday, March 24, 2008

99 red balloons

A moderate to severe marketing earthquake happened in Montevideo over the last weekend. CTI Movil is now the "Claro" brand name.

The main office of CTI had a makeover - maybe Friday or Saturday night. I'm not sure which but it was an overnight change. Their resellers quietly swapped logos after the main office changed.

This morning (Monday) as I walked across Plaza Independencia there were a small number of strangely-attired young actors marketing the new name and then this evening Claro had rented the Teatro Solis (complete with putting up a huge video display and laser lighting) for some kind of reception. It was totally high-class bullshit - you'd have thought an awards show was happening there.

The Claro logo is a red sphere - Evidently they bought thousands of red balloons with the logo. That probably explains how Bartolome Mitre between Teatro Solis and the Peatonal Sarandi came to be full of them. The outdoor bar patrons were milling about with hundreds of the things around their feet and the occasional loud pop as the balloons were either stepped or ashed on.

I've never seen that many red balloons in one place since the 80's.

(Tuesday evening the 25th of March I took a couple of pictures...)

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At 11:01 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Whoa... So that explains it. I was totally surprised while waiting at the junction of 21 and Ellauri by the sight of jugglers an clowns with bright red clown-suits with the word Claro written all over.

At 3:48 PM , Blogger tekno-yanqui-598 said...

Yes, they're very inconspicuous. :-)

I snapped a few pictures of them this evening in Plaza Matriz - as did both Channels 4 & 10. Channel 10's truck is in the background.

At 7:55 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

haha... you have umbrellas with ancel on them in the foreground!


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