A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

flying from Uruguay? no more than 100 grams food for carry-on...

Flying back out of MVD was easier than via Buenos Aires. The airline has this big list of food you can't take onboard but I didn't notice any fine print that said 100 grams was the limit.

However, I bought 5 alfajores in the airport and put them in my carry-on bag without thinking much about it. They aren't liquid, right?

Anyway when I got to security the national police officer manning the x-ray machine went right to that and was going to take them all. I argued "But they're dry and not liquid."

She was nice enough about it. She left two. She also offered that I could go back out and eat them all. :-) Um, no.... alfajores for dinner is not quite what I had in mind but I kept that to myself.

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At 7:05 AM , Blogger Unai said...

UPS should have stalls near security in the airports... they would make tons of money sending people their own belongings!

At 12:22 PM , Blogger tekno-yanqui-598 said...

Actually I think there have been some services like that - you get an envelope and the item goes in the mail. They may still exist. It's not a service I would use, just like those shrinkwrap services on offer for checked bags. I never pack anything really worth stealing in my bags anyway.

It would hardly be cost-effective to send something via UPS from Uruguay unless it was highly valuable. The cost per 500 grams would be incredibly high. I know I can get the items in question in the USA anyway - alfajores are not commonly sold in stores but I can mail order them... and somehow I don't think they will be included in the diet my nutritionist is going to prescribe!

Now I know for future trips.


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