A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The mens room at MSP is the new stained blue dress

It's been interesting to see the republicans fall into line on the issue.

Originally "We have no comment."

Now its, "You pled guilty to a crime and you should resign (cocksucker)." (Well they don't voice the last bit but its implied, eh?)


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Idaho tearoom tea-party causes a stir

Looks like Larry Craig, state senator from Idaho thinks that just because of his position as a member of our do-nothing federal government, thinks he can withdraw an adjudicated guilty plea. Seems he's retained counsel after the fact according to a statement he gave CNN.

Don't know what good that's going to do, but government corruption is everywhere in the world - the price of entry in the USA is just higher.

The details of the whole thing and the picture of the cute undercover cop that busted him are here.

Apparently this tempest in a tearoom* confirms reports by the Idaho Statesman about a blogger who found a guy who has, well, seen this member's member up close and personal, albeit real quick.

As for the senator, he looks pretty uptight. He looks like he needs a long slow blowjob in a more private setting than he usually chooses for a hook-up. When he finally unloads, I bet he moans "Jiminy." He seems to be quoted saying that Idahoan obscenity a lot in the Statesman articles.

Jiminy, indeed. I hope his conservative cronies can love the sinner and hate the sin. 'Tis karma...

*A "tearoom" is a public restroom where certain gay men meet for sex. Just like all gay men don't like 100% of other men, we don't all do this! For me a restroom is just a place to take a shit!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

People say the damnedest things about their pets...

You know how it is when you visit a household where there are multiple cats?

As you run across each one the pet owner will share various things about their animal. You'll hear things like -
"you can pet him at first but he'll eventually bite you"
"he wants to get up on your lap"
"she's real timid and will probably run under the bed and stay there"

You get the idea.

During the last week I had occasion to visit the home of some new acquaintances. They had something like five cats. I heard the usual platitudes about the first three little darlings.

The last one, I've never heard before. I really hope I never hear anyone say this about their cat again... because they really said:
"He really likes to have his ass played with."

O-kay. Not gonna touch that one....

Paucity of postings

Self-employment will do that. I decided that I'm tired of working for some arrogant orange dude so I decided to work for myself.

Knowing what I know about my background, I'm not sure how I decided to hire me, but there it is.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

They pimped MY dog.

This dog looks very much like mine. I'd never dress her like this.

Things heard in groups etc.

I have not been online in awhile - at least not on blogger.com. I needed to purge all that Web 2.0-ey goodness out of my system. The "secret sauce" at the root of it is chewed celery mixed with low cal ice cream vomited into a walmart bag.

On weekends at night I hang with a rather interesting crowd. Conversations overheard were "I got 86'ed from that bar because I was in the bathroom and the urinal said something that offended me. Naturally I attacked it."

I wanted to ask him what it had said, and a further question that popped into my mind: what would a glory hole say?

Later on the guy was talking about things that had happened prior to being 86'd. He said, "I'd occasionally have these $25 dates to get more drinking money. But it was funny, the first time a ho asked me if I wanted to go half and half on a trick I thought she was talking about milk products." I interrupted him - was the hooker actually lactating? It was a valid enough question. That particular hooker had not been although he recalled one who was very pregnant and still working who *was*.

The butt cam: another Scottsdale innovation

I can't believe this got a patent. This article wasted space in a Sunday newspaper:

Yes, those jeans do make your butt look fat.

But rather than hear it from your best friend, boyfriend or mom, take a look for yourself on the Butt Cam, the first of its kind, and in Scottsdale, of course.

Stationed outside the dressing rooms at Hub Clothing at Scottsdale Fashion Square, a video camera points toward the customer's posterior and displays the rear view on a flat-screen TV.

At Hub, where most jeans fall between $135 and $250 but go as high as $900, the Butt Cam underscores that the test of a great pair is how they look from behind.

"It gives you a perspective that you can't find any other way," said interior designer Kip Merritt, 50, who tested the camera at a Hub party on Thursday. "What other choices do you have?"

Hub co-owner Tom Simon created the Butt Cam after watching customers twist in front of mirrors. He applied for a patent after research showed no others like it.

"(Customers) want to look good to other people, not just themselves," Simon said. "And even though it seems ridiculous, there's nothing you wear more than jeans."

Thursday, August 16, 2007

back to the world's second oldest profession -


I have a pretty good gig where I'm at (well so far). A former co-worker from one of the companies I've worked at in the past - well, she and I worked out a deal to get me involved at the company where she's at.

There have been some moments of high drama which should best be left in certain HR files - hell, I don't technically even work FOR them, I'm just a vendor ;) There have also been some moments of utter hilarity: the guy working for me needed to leave the office TO HAVE HIS LEGS WAXED. Seems they'd moved up the appointment from 6pm to 2pm.

Thankfully, he did not come back orange - although the woman doing the phone programming for my office extension was most definitely sprayed down with the same chemical as the CEO of my last opportunity.

As for my last job - I don't miss it in the least. Each and every day devoid of mental stimulation and having to resort to evil levity to stay sane.

I think my week-long absence from blog-land is now over, I've been too busy/overwhelmed to write a hell of a lot!


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Last day at the box

wooo hooo.... my web two dot oh career ends tomorrow. on to bigger and better things.

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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Moving ahead

Moving ahead, indeed. My idiot ex-boyfriend does not know the meaning of the word "give up" nor the meaning of the word "deadline." If he keeps at it he's gonna get schooled. -Tim