I can't believe this got a patent. This article wasted space in a Sunday newspaper:
Yes, those jeans do make your butt look fat.
But rather than hear it from your best friend, boyfriend or mom, take a look for yourself on the Butt Cam, the first of its kind, and in Scottsdale, of course.
Stationed outside the dressing rooms at Hub Clothing at Scottsdale Fashion Square, a video camera points toward the customer's posterior and displays the rear view on a flat-screen TV.
At Hub, where most jeans fall between $135 and $250 but go as high as $900, the Butt Cam underscores that the test of a great pair is how they look from behind.
"It gives you a perspective that you can't find any other way," said interior designer Kip Merritt, 50, who tested the camera at a Hub party on Thursday. "What other choices do you have?"
Hub co-owner Tom Simon created the Butt Cam after watching customers twist in front of mirrors. He applied for a patent after research showed no others like it.
"(Customers) want to look good to other people, not just themselves," Simon said. "And even though it seems ridiculous, there's nothing you wear more than jeans."