VD Cake
I had occasion to attend a valentine's day party tonight. Dateless, of course. I have a dog. When my lawyer and I are through with my last ex I'll consider dating again.
EVERYTHING in the USA revolves around lawyers and lawsuits. It's part of the price of admission to the economic opportunity. Anybody dreaming of a green card should consider how much privacy they have where they live now and weigh that against the insane entanglements you risk by living here. Your access to economic opportunity comes with a complete and total loss of personal privacy that you cannot even imagine. You'd do very well to maintain ties such as bank accounts etc. with your home country -- but follow the labyrinth of laws that encumber you as a US resident with foreign accounts. Just having them raises a red flag and the system considers you guilty until you prove your innocence.
But the party was good for a laugh... They had a cake that nobody could quite seem to cut. A picture is attached. For the record, that IS frosting at the tip and not any kind of discharge.

Labels: bureaucracy, dog, self, weird
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