A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

An Argentine government office - safer than a bank?

A CNN story brought this to my attention. Seems the economy minister, Felisa Miceli, had a bag with USD$64,000 in cash.

Cronica goes into more detail. They say that the plastic bag found in a bathroom closet contained USD$140,000, €50,000 and $100,000 (Argentine Pesos, egual to USD$32,180). They say it happened during a routine sweep of the building looking for explosives.

Miceli's office initially denied it, then a day later said it was money borrowed from her brother to buy an apartment and that the sum of money was really USD$31,670 and ARG$100,000 - which is where CNN/AP gets their figure from.

NOBODY that has lived in Argentina for any length of time would hide that amount of money in a closet. She's being investigated for corruption.

It's remotely possible that the foriegn cash, in the unlikely event it was legitimately obtained, was being kept out of an Argentine bank because many of them will allow you to deposit as much foriegn currency as you want but then restrict withdrawals. Either that or the whole move was being done in cash to evade taxes on the sale, which is about equally as likely as corruption in my mind.

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