A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Friday, February 23, 2007


As many conversations in this culture start, we started off at the typical American question: What do you do for a living. I was speechless to hear the person I was speaking with was an agent of the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. Who'd of thought?!

So in the course of conversation he was telling me about the technology used at work and it was interesting. If you buy into the idea that you're opposite them or against them (which I don't but I'm going to run with it) you better ditch your Mac paraphernalia because the DEA is switching over to Apple. That's right, if you just bought Vista you must be smoking something.

What was quite interesting is they really drank the kool-aid. He went on to say that not only did he have a brand-spanking-new Macbook but they are also kitting agents out with the iPhone. Yes, that's right, that woman next to you at the bus stop with the shiny new iPhone might be a FED.

I was about to say the phone is really intended more for entertainment but now I'm looking at the specs... it doesn't have the fastest data that Cingular, er, AT&T, er Wall Street is offering but it's got EDGE which I suppose is suitable. I'd had it stuck in mind that the phone didn't have data features but that was the model they originally showed when the iPhone passed from rumor into trademark infringement. (Don't know about you but I didn't lose any sleep wondering whether Apple and Cisco would make nice...)

It's cool to hear at least one government agency is converting FROM Windows to something else. But not so fast - the killer app on the mac gizmos is purported to be Citrix. For those not in the know who confuse Citrix with oranges and grapefruit, it's a little tightly controlled windows-based sandbox which I suppose is safer to manage than dozens of Windows boxes and their attendant endless cycle of patches.

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