A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

$1.99 gas?!

This afternoon was definitely an exercise in contrasts. Started out at Borders near the Scottsdale Fashion square. Bought a couple of self help books and a copy of 2600 - gotta have each issue of that :) Big mixture of tourists and locals. Then up to Carolyne's in the Scottsdale Promenade for a brow wax. Gotta kill off the unibrow. Hoooooo-weee what a collection of BMW's, Mercedes and Porsches in the parking lot. But this woman did a great job. I've tried the brow wax at the chain place or various random little shops and have wound up looking like cro-magnon man (sorry Geico commercial dude) due to swelling and outright cuts from overzealous use of tweezers.

But a woman at the office made the recommendation to go up to this hoity-toity joint in north Scottsdale and I don't regret it. Once a month I'll make the drive, no problem!

But there's no way I would pay Carolyne's prices for the next part - I lose ten years when I get highlights put in my hair. All the grey becomes invisible. For that though, I switched demographics and went to south Scottsdale to a chain place. That was more fun than being around all the rich girls, had fun chatting in Spanish with the woman cutting my hair and watching the horrified expressions of all the blue-collar guys coming in for quick haircuts as I sat and had the hair pulled thru a cap. Whatever. :)

The car was just about on empty when I got done with all that driving. I went to get gas and was kind of freaked out by what I saw: an absolute swirling KNOT of cars around the gas pumps. It looked either like what happened on 9/11 when people panic-bought gas and some places jacked up prices as much as $6.00 a gallon for a short time in the Minneapolis area; or like any gas station in Orange County, CA off the 405 at lunchtime.

I wondered if I should switch to a news channel on the XM radio in my car... but said, fuck it, get gas and then find out what's causing this abnormality.

It turned out that it was only a $1.99/gallon sale. Sorta crazy where the mind goes sometimes.



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