State of California - a new stupid sign sighting
I had to get the hell out of Arizona for a weekend! 40+ degree (c) temperatures day and night are nearly as bad as winter in the Midwest. Well, nearly. Not enough to make me want to move back :)
San Diego is an easy six-hour drive from Phoenix. I lucked out - gassed up for $3.97 a gallon at Costco in Phoenix and then found the same price in Yuma. Hopefully I won't have to pay the going rate for gas in California - I saw $4.37 at a couple of stations along I-8.
Getting gas in California is a unique experience for those who've never encountered the emission-control nozzles on the gas pumps. It's like there's a huge condom over the gas nozzle. There is also prominent signage everywhere:
"The State of California has determined that (insert name of obvious product here) causes cancer." It's not the exact wording but you see it in places you don't expect it. Duh. I thought gasoline was healthy. Thanks, California!
I stopped at a rest area where I've never pulled off before and ran across a new sign. It had a toll free number where you could reach the California Highway Patrol and it exhorted readers to "Report Vehicle Theft!"
What *fucktard* would NOT report their car being stolen?!
Labels: weird