A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Why buy a slice of ham when you can get the pig?

I had Mr. Right Now over the other night. His name is not important, I'm not sure if I even asked. But he asked that age-old question -

"Got any porn?"

Well I am not about to root around for porn just because the flavor of the day is requesting it. But the request planted a seed. (Yes, I see the pun in there...)

So a couple of nights ago I'm surfing through the higher numbered channels on Sky Mexico. How I have a Sky system installed in Phoenix must remain a mystery but suffice it to say there are hundreds if not thousands of them active in the southwest USA. I call their phone number in Mexico City and get the automated customer service, punch in my account number and the channel number as if to order it on pay-per-view. It tells me it cannot complete my request and I should call back during regular business hours.

No problem. It wasn't that urgent.

So this morning it occurs to me to call. I punch in Channel 924 on my Sky receiver and get the rep on the line. I tell him that I tried to buy a PPV on G-Channel the other night and got an error. Does my account need to be activated for the adult stuff?

The screen is displaying an error message that says "insufficient credit for this channel," or something to that effect. The guy starts explaining to me that the channel isn't really pay per view, it's about 20 bucks a month extra to add it.

Now I'm thinking... DVD recorder...

Add it.

The insufficient credit message goes away and there are three guys, well, I won't take you any further there than I already have.

Then I had to go to work. I like to leave the TV on for background noise for the dog - that would do...

I got home this evening and did about 4 hours worth of work. It's a nice distraction to have, just to look over and see whatever's going on... sorta like the TV at the bathhouse but with a better picture and without all those ooky guys moving around.

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