A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Friends of Kim

I'm watching a film on Link TV. Link TV is as far left as Fox News is far right, to put it in perspective.

They are so far left in showing this film its a little out of my league, but I've been curious about North Korea even before they could land a nuclear warhead in Las Vegas or Phoenix.

The film is about a march, pro-North Korea, to be held in Pyongyang. Naturally they will say all kinds of pro Korea, pro Kim Il Sung pablum that will make everyone with the little red DPRK flag pin on their shirt feel warm fuzzies inside mixed in with music that sounds like cats singing along with minor key chromatic scales being played.

They have Alejandro Cao de Benos, the Spaniard president of the Korean Friendship Organization. I've read about him a few times - but never saw him. Watching his body language - gotta check the gay box.

In short, every single one of these blokes from Spain and England are from posh families and I'm sure it pisses their mums and dads off to no end that they're spending the trust fund on this globetrotting.

The film is called Friends of Kim. It's a very "potemkin village" view of the DPRK. Looks to be a neat watch if you hold your nose a bit to keep the stench of the dogma down a bit.



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