The erosion of rights based on fear, or, please stop my car

Ever notice these stickers in the back window of cars as you're driving around? They're for our security. Here's how the police explain it.
"The Watch Your Car decal program is a voluntary program whereby vehicle owners enroll their vehicles with the AATA. The vehicle is then entered into a special database, developed and maintained by the AATA, which is directly linked to the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD).
Participants then display the Watch Your Car decals in the front and rear windows of their vehicle. By displaying the decals, vehicle owners convey to law enforcement officials that their vehicle is not usually in use between the hours of 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM, when the majority of thefts occur.
If a police officer witnesses the vehicle in operation between these hours, they have the authority to pull it over and question the driver. With access to the MVD database, the officer will be able to determine if the vehicle has been stolen, or not. The program also allows law enforcement officials to notify the vehicle's owner immediately upon determination that it is being illegally operated."
Ok, those of you in the self-righteous "I have nothing to hide" crowd, pipe down. Why on earth would you voluntarily subject yourself to stop and search? Americans have pretty much already lost any scrap of personal privacy and other rights continue to be eroded with "voluntary" well-meaning-sounding crap like this.
Labels: I hate reupublican thieves, self
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