the criminal justice system from a scary vantage point

The scariest vantage point is to be charged with a crime. However, being the victim of one has to come in a close second, or even equal. Remember that blog post about x number of hundred thousand insane people that are incarcerated in the US and how I would be A-OK with one more?
I opened my mailbox this evening thinking it would be the usual melange of junk mail and bills. Today there was a special treat - Victim Services Division, the envelope said.
For the past few weeks I've been deluding myself into thinking that the events of January 6th are somewhat forgotten. They are not. All I will say now is this - even in same-sex relationships domestic violence is a very real problem. Everything that happened that day came rushing back as I opened the envelope.
I have to be circumspect - the missive from the prosecutor included the warning that "Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute 13-2813, disclosure of pending complaint information/status is a Class 1 misdemeanor and is subject to prosecution."
The nut of it is three simple questions.
1. As a result of this crime, were you physically or emotionally traumatized? If yes, please describe the extent of your injuries and the status of your recovery.
2. Describe the extent of how this crime has impacted you and/or your family's lives.
3. State the type of punishment that you recommend be imposed for this offense.
NOW I understand why some people don't press charges when they are harmed by another. I always used to think that the sole reason was that they are somehow trying to protect the person who harmed them or they were afraid of retribution on the part of the accused. But that was as far as my thought process went.
Duh. Perhaps they didn't want to relive the experience?
Live and learn. But these papers will be filled out and postmarked no later than Friday. I used to have a refrigerator magnet showing a 1960's era picture of a woman looking pensive with a thought bubble saying "If they can send one man to the moon, why not all of them?"
I feel that way tonight and its with that energy that this document will find its way back to the authorities so that S.O.B. (legally) gets whats coming to him.
Oh, and the picture is me just as the ride at the top of the Las Vegas Stratosphere jets you all the way up above the city. It absolutely fits the way I felt opening that envelope.
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