A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Jorge Drexler

Hmm... I've started to get to know more about the local music and have decided I like the music of Jorge Drexler. When the guy won an Oscar recently and the whole country was all agog, I was like, mmm... big deal ok. But now that I've had a chance to get to know four of his CD's by way of a new friend, well, it's grown on me. I need to listen hard to understand the lyrics of the songs but that's ok.

Now if I could just shake this propensity to get sick... late fall/early Winter is nasty here. The temperature is all over the place and today its been largely sunny... but humid. And to go to the doctor? A hassle today it seems. I went to Abitab three different times and their computers were down, which means no ticket to go to the doctor because the clinic requires one for a visit but they don't sell them. And if I was well enough to be out in this cold to go to one of the clinics where I can pay them directly and then wait two hours to see a doctor - well I would be well enough to put on a shirt and tie and go to work, now wouldn't I. Yes, of course I could call them and have them come to my home - but thats ten times more expensive than going to a clinic. I won't do it. Besides, it might keep them from someone with a more pressing emergency than my sily sore throat! See, I woke up this morning with no voice. It came back after several cups of tea and an anesthetic throat spray but, wow, I have never been sick in my life as often as I have been living here.

The weekend went well. Had a very nice second date with someone who I might dare to feel anything about - or perhaps I have passed that point already, don't know. But I want to find out, to be sure (or SSSSSSHHHHure as I have been told I pronounce it, I find it cheeky to the nth degree when an ESL speaker decides to pick nits with my pronunciation of my own damn language), to be certain. Which means a 3rd date and I want be creative about what form that takes, within the limits of what exists here... Life is complicated.

But of course, there I go using words that are not OF my particular dialect of English. I wonder what will happen when I eventually go back stateside for a visit and use words like mobile, cheeky, wanker, etc. I have picked them up nonetheless. Whatever.

And now I am going to go the hell back to bed. It's cold in here. Better three blankets than push the on switch on the heat, too!


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