A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

another test out of the way...

Well this morning I knocked another Microsoft exam off the list on my quest to become a Windows 2003 MCSE. That was a relief. Incredibly difficult as much as all the information is incredibly boring too. It's so hard to just focus and study it!

A friend tells me I have occasional readers now amongst his English students. Makes me nervous wondering what the locals think about my opinions written about their country... but that's cool. Why bare your soul on the internet if not for readers?

Today has been unseasonably warm. I am sitting here in shorts and a t-shirt and actually contemplated kicking on my air conditioner but decided against it after remembering the 2.100 peso electric bill from last month. I will survive and (maybe) pay less next month, I hope?

Talked with my parents for a few minutes. They made a point of telling me that they were eating bratwurst, which I would kill to have... but that's ok. My dad was a little bit taken aback when I told him I just got done eating prime rib and baked potatoes and paid a little under three bucks for the whole meal. But I'd still kill for a bratwurst or pizza with italian sausage...

Ah well, waiting to hear back about the date for my next test. Already have the study materials for it, I want to get it done within the next couple weeks! Microsoft has a special offer between now and August where you can retake your failed test for free which so far (knocks wood) has not been necessary to take advantage of!

Off to the gym now. Debating how much additional clothes to bring with and/or what quantity of cash etc. The temperature could drop and it would be a rotten walk home... but I'll risk it.


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