A former latin american exile writes about life..

Ok so I gave up a comfy boring life to go live in South America. Lots have suggested that I write about my experiences, so here it finally is.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Hanging pictures

Let's see, going to hang a picture. We need the drill, or rather, to plug in the drill. But the drill is from the usa and needs 110v... wheres the big transformer at?

Hm., what's that, the closest outlet is 4 meters from where the picture is going to go? No problem, got an extension cord. Let's see... the outlet has a 3-in-line grounded plug and so does the other end of the extension cord... but the stepdown transformer has an american grounded plug. How to get from here to there...

3 adapters. 3-in-line to German "schuko" plugged in to the extension cord. "Schuko" to "trifasico" (same plug as in Argentina and China). "Trifasico" to a travel adapter that could accept either an american plug or a trifasico. Done. And if this was an electrical game of scrabble, double score because we kept the ground all the way through.

And *now* I can worry about where to put the pictures!

Its a beautiful sunny day. I hate to be at home but I gotta take advantage of the warm sunny weather to wash as much clothing as possible and dry it outside! But I have the skylight open (in Spanish, claraboya) and its letting the sun and a few bugs in.

Never rent an apartment with a claraboya. Imagine having a skylight in your house, except its not sealed and you can open it with a crank. This means that you have to be able to shut whatever rooms you heat because otherwise all the heat goes right out the chimney, er, claraboya. (and thats pronounced clahr ah bo sha, if you're sounding out words as an american would)


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